cheap hotel in thailand bangkok


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In this upload Mali reviews three budget hotels within a 10-minute walk of the famous “Nana Plaza” located on Sukhumvit, Soi 4, Bangkok. Why not become a channel member: You can contact me at: Book a private consultation with me: My “Book” is now available on Amazon, please click below: IF YOU LIKE WHAT I DO ON THIS CHANNEL AND YOU WANT TO SUPPORT ME, “PLEASE CONSIDER BUYING ME A LET OR TWO” Visit our website at: Join this channel and get access to some great benefits: #thailand #bound #tips Send money to Thailand using “ Wisely” (Officially “ Smart Move”) much cheaper than the bank! You can visit Wise’s website to learn more here: Copyright Notice: I made this video with the intention of educating and entertaining others. In some cases, I don’t own all the clips and music I use. My understanding is that it is related to Fair Use Rights, however since it is open to interpretation, if any content clip owner wants me to remove the video and you can prove it is legally yours, please email at: peter@thialand- #thailandbound #thailand #stories

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